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BC Hydro Dams
In the picturesque landscape of British Columbia, Canada, a network of dams stands as a testament to the province’s commitment to sustainable energy production. BC Hydro, the local utility company, has developed a robust system of hydroelectric dams that harness the power of flowing water to generate clean and renewable electricity. This renewable energy matches the battery-stored energy outlined by SolarBC. In this article, we will explore the significance of BC Hydro dams, their contribution to the energy sector, and their …

Solar Vs Wind Vs Hydro: Which is the Best Renewable Energy Source?
Are you considering a switch from fossil fuels to a Smart grid? Given the rising need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels to lower emissions, green (renewable) energy sources have been in high demand. But the question now is: Can the renewables beat the energy capacity of fossil fuels? If you’re deciding which of the three sources of renewables —wind, solar, and water is the best for your energy needs. Don’t worry! This solar energy blog highlights the pros and …

Manitoba Predicts a Significant Loss Because of Drought
Manitoba Hydro, a Canadian utility, released its second report for 2021 to 2022, forecasting a roughly $400 million net reduction in hydropower export revenues because of continuous drought. For that reason, the organization expects a loss that may reach $190 million minimum. Manitoba Hydro initially expected a net income equivalent to $190 million for the same fiscal year in its 2020 to 20201 fiscal year annual report. Precipitation during the late fall and cold season can contribute to the loss …

Why is Canada a Power Titan: How Does the Country Help the US with its Hydropower
The United States is the world’s most powerful military and economy and the world’s leading producer of fossil energy. China is increasing in power, lifting over 500 million individuals out of poverty within 30 years. The country is set to dominate the US as the world’s largest economy in the coming decade, with considerable investments worldwide. However, China has become the world’s no. 1 greenhouse gas emitter. How about Canada? Although Canada is lesser in population compared to China and …